
Sunday, February 12, 2006

According to Daily Horoscopes, Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac, being a fixed water or icy sign. In appearance you will be found to be well proportioned, strong in body, muscular, with a broad face and majestic, commanding look. You are a Scorpio and therefore ruled by the enigmatic planet Pluto and also fiery and aggressive Mars. So why are you referred to as icy? Scorpio is probably the most misunderstood sign and has unfortunately received a very bad reputation over the years. This iciness is only the surface of your deep and complex nature. Below this surface of your cool exterior, you're true scorching nature blazes! You’re passionate and express that passion in everything you do.
In a crowded room your aura stands out—not because of anything you may say or do. But being the strong quiet type, you possess a deafening silence that makes it near impossible for others to ignore you. As a Scorpio you’re controlled and know full well that this magnetism can manipulate anyone and everyone who comes within your orb. And you love it! This secretive and enigmatic energy of yours is probably your greatest strength. You are also very loyal and trustworthy and can honour and maintain the secrets entrusted to you. Determination is another of your key words yet; by the same token, you appear aloof and thoroughly insensitive to others’ needs as you push forward to achieve your goals, almost obsessively. You have no fear of obstacles or challenges that come your way either naturally or placed there by foes and competitors. In fact,
you thrive on it. There’s a saying, “A teabag tastes better in hot water” and this applies perfectly to your Scorpio philosophy. Corner you or put you in a difficult situation and watch that Plutonic flavour brew as your competitive nature comes to the fore! If someone decides to challenge you, they’d better be sure they’re ready to give it their best fight because you won’t give in until the job is done and your enemy totally crushed—in body, mind and spirit! If that ruthless act can’t be executed immediately, you will wait. Time is of no consequence to you when you decide to wreak your vengeance on an unlucky recipient.
Whether trying to fulfil your more sensual appetite or the more noble spiritual aspirations within, all pleasure becomes your Scorpio domain. You want it all. You are a born investigator and explorer and need to experience the full spectrum of sensations in your life. This attitude encompasses the fearlessness of Scorpio at every level of your being. But it’s a well-known fact: never double-cross a Scorpio. You will not rest until you have executed your revenge! You’ll shut out forever those who dishonour you by betraying your trust.


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A Simple Complicated Question ?

Shit I could have been wrong, but was I right. Am I a freak by nature or am I freak by default. Am I what I seem like or am I what I pretend to be like? Who am I, how do you figure me out. Was it tears or was it just the rain. Fuck who knows. Was it pain or was it grief. I need vindication to where life has me on stand still. I need to know the answers to all those question that linger in my head. My hope dangles on a string like slow spinning redemption, winding in and winding out the shine of it has caught my eye, so, mesmerizing and so hypnotizing. I am.Whats the meaning of all this. Mambo jumbo. Who decides what is. Why do all good things have to come to an end? Why did I leave that room, why why? Who knows? Was it meant to be, or was it not who knows. Shit nothing makes sense, so I won't think about it. I'll go with the ignorance. Eat, sleep, fuck and flee; in four words, that's me. I am full of indifference now. Taste. I have no taste. I don't like these tiny portions or your artful abortions of sound, sealed with a kiss, slathered in the sauce sarcastic. So go choke on your irony. But then again who is to justify what I think...Looking back at me I see that I never really got it right, I never stopped thinking about you, I'm always wrapped up in things, I cannot win, you are the antidote that gets me by something strong like a drug that gets me high. What I really meant to say is I'm sorry for the way I am I never meant to be so cold to you. Never meant to slide, slide in this long narrow steep slide to an invisible island. I wanna feel that amazing feeling when surrounded by a city of angles that surrounds you. I don’t want the world to see me, cause I think they don’t understand. There is no bravery left in me, but only the strength to carry on the moment. But I see no bravery no bravery in my eyes. And this moment is silent, my moment is silent. Trace’s of light up in the sky. Like the moment I left when I laid my eyes on you. I looked at you it was like praying with my eyes. But with a trace of something that was meant not to last for long. To many differences, to many faults, to many mistakes, the drift was so fast and vast. The feeling that was so string became a invisible shield, that could not be broken. Why has everything got to be so complicated, why is a feeling so hard to let go, why is what’s so good not last a better time. Why do people change in a blink of an eye? Where is the manual to life stored, I need to find the key to the perfect moment. Till then I am goona have to bitch my way out. The meaning of life has changed; I had rearranged my entire life, System reboot! A new chapter has begun. Wish we started all over again, so you would see who I really am, not who you think I am. I know I was hard to deal with, but I did not mean to be so cold. I want to redeem myself, why have we drifted from something that was so wonderful, why is the only question that has no answer. NO ANSWER.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

How to Mend a Broken

Day 1 Steps:
  1. Breathe. All you can do is survive this first and difficult day. Take one day at a time.
  2. Give yourself permission to mourn. Call in sick at work, sleep all day, eat too much ice cream, sob.
  3. Congratulate yourself for being human: It is only when you open yourself to love that your heart can break.
  4. Develop and repeat a helpful mantra to get you through the initial shock and pain, such as "This too shall pass" or "I will survive."
Day 2 Steps:
  1. Reach out to a close friend or family member. It helps to share your thoughts with others.
  2. Watch a movie to distract yourself. Choose a comedy that has cheered you up in the past. Or watch a movie that's guaranteed to make you sob--it may surprise you how good that feels.
Week 1 Steps:
  1. Force yourself to go out even if you are feeling despondent. Take yourself out for a cup of coffee or go on a long walk.
  2. Express your emotions in a way that comes naturally. Write in a journal, paint, sculpt or play music.
  3. Do daily cardiovascular exercise--the endorphins will give your spirits an immediate lift.
  4. Resist the urge to call your ex. Instead, write a letter. Don't mail it.
Week 2 Steps:
  1. Surround yourself with friends. This may mean reaching out to people you fell out of touch with during the relationship.
  2. Make lists to help you regain your confidence and identity: a list of your friends, of things you like, of what you want to accomplish in the next decade.
  3. Spoil yourself: Get a new hairstyle, have a spa day or go shopping. 4. Resist the urge to call your ex
Week 3 Steps:
  1. Assess the experience. Have you learned anything about yourself? Does the experience make you more empathetic to others who've suffered a hardship?
  2. Begin an activity that will fill your time, distract your mind and rebuild your confidence. Train for a marathon, take up yoga or learn a new language.
  3. Resist the urge to call your ex.
  4. Volunteer your time at a local homeless shelter, soup kitchen or tutoring center. It will take your mind off your own woes and keep your suffering in perspective.
Week 4 Steps:
  1. Continue regular socializing and exercising. While socializing, though, make sure you don't depend on alcohol or drugs to dull the pain.
  2. Call your ex if you feel it would be helpful. Resist if you merely want to say hurtful things.
  3. Consider dating other people, but be wary of rebound relationships.
  4. Understand that you will need to experience and process sadness, anger, guilt and fear to fully heal. Burying or ignoring these emotions will thwart the healing process. Write, cry, share the feelings with friends.
Months 3 to 6 Steps:
  1. Force yourself to go on dates. You'll be surprised to discover that your heart can still flutter over someone. It's part of the healing process.
  2. Consult a psychiatrist if you are experiencing symptoms of depression, such as lack of appetite, insomnia or too much sleeping, low self-esteem, and an inability to concentrate or carry out routine tasks. Ask a friend or physician to recommend one who is experienced in treating depression.
  3. Remember that healing is a process that takes time. Expect waves of sadness, anger, guilt or fear even after you think you are over it. Give your heart time to heal.
One year and beyond Steps:
  1. Compartmentalize the experience in your memory: "My heart was broken once. It really hurt and I'm glad it's over."
  2. Reach out to your ex if you want to re-establish a friendship. Do not harbor secret ambitions of winning him or her back. You'll only set yourself up for another heartbreak.
While you're upset, don't do anything you'll regret later. I know i did

Saturday, February 04, 2006

That's just it, she's everything I'm not. You know, she's my other half. Without her I'm not whole. You know the thing about meeting your other half is you're walking around, you think you're happy, you think you're whole, then you realize you ain't shit without her. Then you can't go back to being just a half 'cause you know what it's like to be whole. - GUESS WHO
Below is a conversation that Tori, Ashwin's Fiancee had with a telemarketer.

Seller: Would you like your ducts cleaned?
Tori: We don't have ducks.
Seller: All houses have ducts
Tori: Well, I don't know where you're from but in this house, keeping birds in the bathtub is discouraged.
Seller: Ducts! Not ducks!
Tori: I think our squirrel is scared of ducks. But thanks anyway!
Seller: I don't mean the animal!
Tori: Ducks are birds!
Seller: Ducts like the ones from the furnace.
Tori: Ducks live in ponds not in the furnace!!!
Seller: Thank you for your time. *hangs up *